A Writing Rose

Santuary for Women

This Blogging Thing


This blogging thing as not made it to my list for a while. Life, work, house remodels, and tons of other things have gotten in the way.

I have attended several writing workshops and a conference recently. I learned a lot and enjoyed my time away.

I hope all of you have been well.



This video is priceless.

For all the moms out there.

Click here to watch.


Forensics For Writers


Some of you love a good mystery and some of you write them. A writer pal of mine introduced me to The Writer’s Forensics Blog some time ago.

I frequent there to learn more about forensics and how to use it in my mystery novels.

Click here if you want to learn more about this interesting blog.


Why Write When It Seems Like Nobody Cares?


Today’s featured link discusses the purpose and reason for writing. I thought it was interesting. Thought provoking. Enjoy.


“Sometimes it feels like nobody’s listening,” my writer friend groaned.

Can you relate? Have you ever poured your heart and soul into an article or proposal only to hear the cruel sound of silence? It’s frustrating.

So we just keep slogging away, right? Click here to read the rest of this inspirational article.


Cycling Tips

Good Day Mate!

I love to cycle. I’m look for sites on the web that teach me new skills in cycling. Today’s featured site has a page dedicated to inform cyclists on riding, safety, nutrition, riding groups, and a host of other topics.

Click here for more information.


Fall Organizing Tips

Hi Gals,

Now that we are in the fall season, it is time to think of colder weather and getting things organized for the cooler weather.

Click here for more ideas.


Rape Help

Today’s featured link is about a topic that is not much fun to chat about. Rape happens and it should not. For those who have been raped, there is hope and healing out there.


If have been through a rape or sexual assault of any kind, either recently or long ago, I want to assure you that there is help and there is hope.

Rape or sexual assault not only can cause intense physical pain, but almost unbearable emotional pain, and there are many other people who can help you through your tough times. Click here to learn more.

1.800.656.HOPE (National Sexual Assault Hotline)


National Novel Writing Month-Coming Soon


The National Novel Writing Month is coming up soon. November is thirty days set aside for literary abandon. If you are considering writing a novel in a month, this might be the ticket for you.

Click here to learn more.


NAMI Local Affiliates


For those of you who struggle with mental illness or if you have a loved one who is affected by mental illness, there is hope and help out there.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness is a grassroots organization that is instrumental in helping families. I attended the Family-to-Family classes last winter. It was a life saver for my family. I learned so much and am better equipped to love and set firmer boundaries with my adult children who struggle with mental issues.

If you need to find a local group, click here.

It was well worth my time.


Perfect Goals?

Have you ever worked really hard at something only to have a wrench thrown in the plan? That is so frustrating. I love today’s featured link. There are some great organizing tips on the site and frankly this article is a timely one for me. I hope you hop on over there and read the entire thing. While you’re over there, maybe you will find an article that might help you with organization ideas.


You’ve created the perfect plan for your goal, just as the experts recommend when you set one. You mapped everything out…but then things didn’t go as planned. Recognize that plans are imperfect. There is no possible way to predict every bump and turn you will encounter along the way to your goal. But, it is highly likely that you will encounter obstacles, speed bumps and detours. When you do, ask yourself this question: Is this in my control or not? Click here to read the rest of this helpful article.
