A Writing Rose

Santuary for Women

Nothing’s Going Right


Recently, it seems like nothing is going right. I feel like some of the characters in my novel. We are taught in writing classes to not be nice to our character, give them a hard time.

Discouraged would be a good term to describe this season in life.

What to do about it? I have nary a clue, except keep putting one foot in front of the other.

I dug a cup and saucer out of the cupboard with the good dishes and made myself some tea.


Such a pretty cup. I’ve had it for years and never use it. Why? Because it is to pretty and I might break it. I’m sure the lady who gave it to me so long ago, would have preferred that I use it.

So I am.

Does it improve my lot in life right now?


But enjoying simple things is a good thing.

What do you do when life gets you down?



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